Function Wizard in Excel
As mentioned before, there are many more functions in Excel. As done previously, these can be used by typing their name and attributes or by using the function wizard.
To use it, select the cell where you want th function to be inserted. Then click on the icon Fx in the toolbar or go in the menu Insert and then Function. The following window will appear.
Now select the function you want to use and press Ok. A new window wil open with line for each attribute of the function. You can then enter the value directly in the cell or click at the right part of the line (where the little red thingy is ;-). It will take you back to the sheet.
Then select with your mouse or cursor the cell or cells that are containing the values and press Ok. Repeat as needed.
TIP: Always read the comments on the bottom very well. It helps a lot to progress.
Updated December 29th, 2010
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